Nieuw TechnologieCNC V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0 + Becker houtfreesmachine

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We present the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0, designed for ultimate precision, efficiency, and ease of use. This is the perfect solution for machining large components and demanding projects in the industry.
✅ Key Features:
✔️ Working Area: 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm – perfect for large components.
✔️ Powerful Spindle: 9 kW, 24,000 RPM – ensures fast and accurate milling.
✔️ Automatic Tool Changer: 12-position linear magazine reduces downtime and speeds up processes.
✔️ Advanced Control: SYNTEC 60CA – intuitive and user-friendly.
✔️ Robust Construction: Welded, stress-relieved, and precisely milled frame ensures stability and vibration resistance.
✔️ High-Quality Components: PMI guides and AC Leadshine servomotors with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers guarantee smooth and precise movements.
✔️ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250 – effective material clamping.
⭐ Technical Specifications:
✅ Working Area (X/Y/Z): 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm
✅ Spindle Power: 9 kW
✅ Spindle Speed: 24,000 RPM
✅ Controller: SYNTEC 60CA
✅ Tool Magazine: 12-position linear tool changer
✅ Drives: AC Leadshine servomotors (1.5 kW) with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers
✅ Guides: PMI 25 mm (XZ-axis) and 30 mm (Y-axis)
✅ Power Supply: 400 V, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
✅ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250
✅ Why Choose the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0?
✔️ Versatility: Perfect for large-scale projects and precise machining.
✔️ High Efficiency: Fast operations with minimal downtime.
✔️ Durability and Stability: Solid construction and premium components.
✔️ Ease of Use: Intuitive interface and advanced SYNTEC 60CA controller.
⭐ Vertical CNC Milling Machine TechnologieCNC V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0 – Precision and Efficiency for Professionals ⭐
We present the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0, designed for ultimate precision, efficiency, and ease of use. This is the perfect solution for machining large components and demanding projects in the industry.
✅ Key Features:
✔️ Working Area: 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm – perfect for large components.
✔️ Powerful Spindle: 9 kW, 24,000 RPM – ensures fast and accurate milling.
✔️ Automatic Tool Changer: 12-position linear magazine reduces downtime and speeds up processes.
✔️ Advanced Control: SYNTEC 60CA – intuitive and user-friendly.
✔️ Robust Construction: Welded, stress-relieved, and precisely milled frame ensures stability and vibration resistance.
✔️ High-Quality Components: PMI guides and AC Leadshine servomotors with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers guarantee smooth and precise movements.
✔️ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250 – effective material clamping.
⭐ Technical Specifications:
✅ Working Area (X/Y/Z): 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm
✅ Spindle Power: 9 kW
✅ Spindle Speed: 24,000 RPM
✅ Controller: SYNTEC 60CA
✅ Tool Magazine: 12-position linear tool changer
✅ Drives: AC Leadshine servomotors (1.5 kW) with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers
✅ Guides: PMI 25 mm (XZ-axis) and 30 mm (Y-axis)
✅ Power Supply: 400 V, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
✅ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250
✅ Why Choose the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0?
✔️ Versatility: Perfect for large-scale projects and precise machining.
✔️ High Efficiency: Fast operations with minimal downtime.
✔️ Durability and Stability: Solid construction and premium components.
✔️ Ease of Use: Intuitive interface and advanced SYNTEC 60CA controller.
⭐ Vertical CNC Milling Machine TechnologieCNC V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0 – Precision and Efficiency for Professionals ⭐
We present the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0, designed for ultimate precision, efficiency, and ease of use. This is the perfect solution for machining large components and demanding projects in the industry.
✅ Key Features:
✔️ Working Area: 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm – perfect for large components.
✔️ Powerful Spindle: 9 kW, 24,000 RPM – ensures fast and accurate milling.
✔️ Automatic Tool Changer: 12-position linear magazine reduces downtime and speeds up processes.
✔️ Advanced Control: SYNTEC 60CA – intuitive and user-friendly.
✔️ Robust Construction: Welded, stress-relieved, and precisely milled frame ensures stability and vibration resistance.
✔️ High-Quality Components: PMI guides and AC Leadshine servomotors with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers guarantee smooth and precise movements.
✔️ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250 – effective material clamping.
⭐ Technical Specifications:
✅ Working Area (X/Y/Z): 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm
✅ Spindle Power: 9 kW
✅ Spindle Speed: 24,000 RPM
✅ Controller: SYNTEC 60CA
✅ Tool Magazine: 12-position linear tool changer
✅ Drives: AC Leadshine servomotors (1.5 kW) with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers
✅ Guides: PMI 25 mm (XZ-axis) and 30 mm (Y-axis)
✅ Power Supply: 400 V, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
✅ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250
✅ Why Choose the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0?
✔️ Versatility: Perfect for large-scale projects and precise machining.
✔️ High Efficiency: Fast operations with minimal downtime.
✔️ Durability and Stability: Solid construction and premium components.
✔️ Ease of Use: Intuitive interface and advanced SYNTEC 60CA controller.
⭐ Vertical CNC Milling Machine TechnologieCNC V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0 – Precision and Efficiency for Professionals ⭐
We present the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0, designed for ultimate precision, efficiency, and ease of use. This is the perfect solution for machining large components and demanding projects in the industry.
✅ Key Features:
✔️ Working Area: 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm – perfect for large components.
✔️ Powerful Spindle: 9 kW, 24,000 RPM – ensures fast and accurate milling.
✔️ Automatic Tool Changer: 12-position linear magazine reduces downtime and speeds up processes.
✔️ Advanced Control: SYNTEC 60CA – intuitive and user-friendly.
✔️ Robust Construction: Welded, stress-relieved, and precisely milled frame ensures stability and vibration resistance.
✔️ High-Quality Components: PMI guides and AC Leadshine servomotors with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers guarantee smooth and precise movements.
✔️ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250 – effective material clamping.
⭐ Technical Specifications:
✅ Working Area (X/Y/Z): 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm
✅ Spindle Power: 9 kW
✅ Spindle Speed: 24,000 RPM
✅ Controller: SYNTEC 60CA
✅ Tool Magazine: 12-position linear tool changer
✅ Drives: AC Leadshine servomotors (1.5 kW) with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers
✅ Guides: PMI 25 mm (XZ-axis) and 30 mm (Y-axis)
✅ Power Supply: 400 V, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
✅ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250
✅ Why Choose the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0?
✔️ Versatility: Perfect for large-scale projects and precise machining.
✔️ High Efficiency: Fast operations with minimal downtime.
✔️ Durability and Stability: Solid construction and premium components.
✔️ Ease of Use: Intuitive interface and advanced SYNTEC 60CA controller.
⭐ Vertical CNC Milling Machine TechnologieCNC V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0 – Precision and Efficiency for Professionals ⭐
We present the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0, designed for ultimate precision, efficiency, and ease of use. This is the perfect solution for machining large components and demanding projects in the industry.
✅ Key Features:
✔️ Working Area: 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm – perfect for large components.
✔️ Powerful Spindle: 9 kW, 24,000 RPM – ensures fast and accurate milling.
✔️ Automatic Tool Changer: 12-position linear magazine reduces downtime and speeds up processes.
✔️ Advanced Control: SYNTEC 60CA – intuitive and user-friendly.
✔️ Robust Construction: Welded, stress-relieved, and precisely milled frame ensures stability and vibration resistance.
✔️ High-Quality Components: PMI guides and AC Leadshine servomotors with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers guarantee smooth and precise movements.
✔️ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250 – effective material clamping.
⭐ Technical Specifications:
✅ Working Area (X/Y/Z): 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm
✅ Spindle Power: 9 kW
✅ Spindle Speed: 24,000 RPM
✅ Controller: SYNTEC 60CA
✅ Tool Magazine: 12-position linear tool changer
✅ Drives: AC Leadshine servomotors (1.5 kW) with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers
✅ Guides: PMI 25 mm (XZ-axis) and 30 mm (Y-axis)
✅ Power Supply: 400 V, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
✅ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250
✅ Why Choose the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0?
✔️ Versatility: Perfect for large-scale projects and precise machining.
✔️ High Efficiency: Fast operations with minimal downtime.
✔️ Durability and Stability: Solid construction and premium components.
✔️ Ease of Use: Intuitive interface and advanced SYNTEC 60CA controller.
⭐ Vertical CNC Milling Machine TechnologieCNC V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0 – Precision and Efficiency for Professionals ⭐
We present the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0, designed for ultimate precision, efficiency, and ease of use. This is the perfect solution for machining large components and demanding projects in the industry.
✅ Key Features:
✔️ Working Area: 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm – perfect for large components.
✔️ Powerful Spindle: 9 kW, 24,000 RPM – ensures fast and accurate milling.
✔️ Automatic Tool Changer: 12-position linear magazine reduces downtime and speeds up processes.
✔️ Advanced Control: SYNTEC 60CA – intuitive and user-friendly.
✔️ Robust Construction: Welded, stress-relieved, and precisely milled frame ensures stability and vibration resistance.
✔️ High-Quality Components: PMI guides and AC Leadshine servomotors with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers guarantee smooth and precise movements.
✔️ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250 – effective material clamping.
⭐ Technical Specifications:
✅ Working Area (X/Y/Z): 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm
✅ Spindle Power: 9 kW
✅ Spindle Speed: 24,000 RPM
✅ Controller: SYNTEC 60CA
✅ Tool Magazine: 12-position linear tool changer
✅ Drives: AC Leadshine servomotors (1.5 kW) with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers
✅ Guides: PMI 25 mm (XZ-axis) and 30 mm (Y-axis)
✅ Power Supply: 400 V, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
✅ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250
✅ Why Choose the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0?
✔️ Versatility: Perfect for large-scale projects and precise machining.
✔️ High Efficiency: Fast operations with minimal downtime.
✔️ Durability and Stability: Solid construction and premium components.
✔️ Ease of Use: Intuitive interface and advanced SYNTEC 60CA controller.
⭐ Vertical CNC Milling Machine TechnologieCNC V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0 – Precision and Efficiency for Professionals ⭐
We present the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0, designed for ultimate precision, efficiency, and ease of use. This is the perfect solution for machining large components and demanding projects in the industry.
✅ Key Features:
✔️ Working Area: 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm – perfect for large components.
✔️ Powerful Spindle: 9 kW, 24,000 RPM – ensures fast and accurate milling.
✔️ Automatic Tool Changer: 12-position linear magazine reduces downtime and speeds up processes.
✔️ Advanced Control: SYNTEC 60CA – intuitive and user-friendly.
✔️ Robust Construction: Welded, stress-relieved, and precisely milled frame ensures stability and vibration resistance.
✔️ High-Quality Components: PMI guides and AC Leadshine servomotors with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers guarantee smooth and precise movements.
✔️ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250 – effective material clamping.
⭐ Technical Specifications:
✅ Working Area (X/Y/Z): 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm
✅ Spindle Power: 9 kW
✅ Spindle Speed: 24,000 RPM
✅ Controller: SYNTEC 60CA
✅ Tool Magazine: 12-position linear tool changer
✅ Drives: AC Leadshine servomotors (1.5 kW) with NIDEC SHIMPO planetary reducers
✅ Guides: PMI 25 mm (XZ-axis) and 30 mm (Y-axis)
✅ Power Supply: 400 V, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
✅ Vacuum Pumps: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250
✅ Why Choose the CNC Milling Machine V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0?
✔️ Versatility: Perfect for large-scale projects and precise machining.
✔️ High Efficiency: Fast operations with minimal downtime.
✔️ Durability and Stability: Solid construction and premium components.
✔️ Ease of Use: Intuitive interface and advanced SYNTEC 60CA controller.
Oferujemy Frezarkę CNC V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0, zaprojektowaną z myślą o najwyższej precyzji, wydajności i łatwości obsługi. To idealne rozwiązanie do obróbki dużych elementów i wymagających projektów w przemyśle.
✅ Najważniejsze cechy:
✔️ Powierzchnia robocza: 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm – umożliwia pracę z dużymi elementami.
✔️ Mocne elektrowrzeciono: 9 kW, 24 000 obr./min – zapewnia szybkie i dokładne frezowanie.
✔️ Automatyczny magazyn narzędzi: 12-pozycyjny liniowy magazyn minimalizuje przestoje i przyspiesza procesy.
✔️ Zaawansowane sterowanie: SYNTEC 60CA – intuicyjne i łatwe w obsłudze.
✔️ Solidna konstrukcja: Rama spawana, odprężona i precyzyjnie frezowana zapewnia stabilność i odporność na wibracje.
✔️ Komponenty najwyższej klasy: Prowadnice PMI oraz serwonapędy AC Leadshine z reduktorami planetarnymi NIDEC SHIMPO gwarantują płynność i precyzję ruchu.
✔️ Pompy próżniowe: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250 – skuteczne mocowanie materiału.
⭐ Specyfikacja techniczna:
✅ Powierzchnia robocza (X/Y/Z): 2100 x 4200 x 200 mm
✅ Moc wrzeciona: 9 kW
✅ Prędkość wrzeciona: 24 000 obr./min
✅ Sterownik: SYNTEC 60CA
✅ Magazyn narzędzi: 12-pozycyjny liniowy magazyn narzędzi
✅ Napędy: Serwonapędy AC Leadshine 1,5 kW z reduktorem NIDEC SHIMPO
✅ Prowadnice: PMI 25 mm na osi XZ i 30 mm na osi Y
✅ Zasilanie: 400 V, 50/60 Hz, 3 fazy
✅ Pompy próżniowe: 2 x BECKER VTLF 2.250
✅ Dlaczego warto wybrać Frezarkę CNC V-CENTER 2142 Industry 2.0?
✔️ Wszechstronność: Idealna do dużych projektów i precyzyjnej obróbki.
✔️ Wysoka wydajność: Szybkie tempo pracy i minimalne przestoje.
✔️ Trwałość i stabilność: Solidna konstrukcja i najwyższej klasy komponenty.
✔️ Prosta obsługa: Intuicyjny interfejs i zaawansowany sterownik SYNTEC 60CA.